What Is Laundry Stripping And Is It Necessary?

If you’ve spent any time on social media in the last couple of years, you’ve probably seen videos of people “stripping” their dingy clothes or household linens in a bathtub, leaving behind a pool of dark, murky water. The process of laundry stripping has gotten a lot of attention recently, and if you have dingy laundry that doesn’t seem to get completely clean with regular washing, you may have wondered if you should give it a try. 

aerial view soapy water

Source: XONIX/

So, what is laundry stripping? And is it necessary? 

Unlike doing a regular load of washing using our laundry detergent sheets, laundry stripping is a more aggressive process that involves using a chemical solution, hot water, and an overnight soak to remove dirt, detergent, and fabric softener buildup from fabric. Seeing a laundry stripping video online may leave you wondering whether your laundry is truly getting clean and if you need to strip it. 

We Have the Eco-Friendly Laundry Products You Need

Before you rush out and buy everything you need to strip your laundry, let’s talk a bit more about the process and whether you need to do it. 

What Is Laundry Stripping?

Typically, laundry stripping is done in a bathtub because the process may not be safe for all washing machines. The first step is filling the tub with hot water and then mixing in Borax, washing soda, and powdered laundry detergent. The clothing or linens are then placed in the water and left to soak overnight with occasional stirring. The next morning, the tub is drained and the garments/linens are washed in a washing machine or by hand until the water runs clear. 

This process is not safe for all fabrics. You should never strip dark fabrics, workout clothes, wool, or garments that can only be washed in cold water. 

Is Laundry Stripping Necessary? 

In most cases, laundry stripping is not necessary. It is only recommended in very limited circumstances since it can damage fabrics. As long as you are washing your clothes, towels, sheets, etc. properly, there is usually no reason to strip them. Washing these items as recommended and not using too much detergent or fabric softener generally prevents excessive buildup. Don’t let social media fool you. 

dirty clothes pile

Source: kenkuza/

How Can I Avoid Needing to Strip My Laundry? 

Fabric softener buildup leaves clothes feeling sticky and less soft than they used to be. It can also decrease your towels’ absorbency and make blankets a lot less comfy to snuggle up in. Detergent and other additives can build up, too. 

Prevent Buildup with Our Laundry Detergent Sheets

The good news? Switching to eco-friendly laundry detergent sheets can prevent buildup and save you a lot of hassle. Our Eco Sheets dissolve in just seconds and work in all types of machines. Plus, they get clothes clean without unnecessary additives. This means they don’t cause sticky buildup on fabric. They’re also free from parabens, phthalates, phosphates, bleach, and dye, which makes them better for your laundry, your skin, and the planet.

They’re completely dissolvable and even come in a cardboard package. You can say goodbye to bulky, heavy plastic detergent bottles once and for all and avoid the need to strip your laundry when you use our eco-friendly laundry products



There’s a good reason why you probably never heard of “laundry stripping” before seeing a video of it on Facebook or TikTok: it usually isn’t necessary. Using concentrated detergent sheets rather than liquid detergent and loads of additives prevents all that gunk from building up on your clothing and linens, to begin with. 

If you are using regular laundry products and your clothes feel sticky, changing up your routine and switching to laundry detergent sheets is a much better option than stripping. Once you make the change, you’ll wonder why you ever used anything else!

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